Countless have the tendency that we have been using Gmail for our whole lives, the Google email advantage that was impelled eight years after the presentation of Hotmail , which since 1996 has been with us, yet according to the latest bits of knowledge given by comScore Microsoft's organization is so far the most used by and large .
Las cifras de comScore pertenecen al pasado mes de mayo y nos dicen que Hotmail cuenta con una base de usuarios únicos que ronda los 325 millones, situándose así como el rey indiscutible de los servicios de email basados en web, seguido de Yahoo! y sus alrededor de 298 millones de usuarios únicos. En tercer lugar, ahora sí, nos topamos con los 289 millones de usuarios con los que cuenta Gmail. Cabe decir que Yahoo! Mail nació sólo un año después que Hotmail, en 1997, y que Gmail fue lanzado en 2004, así que la subida del servicio de Google es realmente espectacular. Otro apunte: en mayo de 2011 también ocupaban las mismas posiciones.
Clearly the time factor in these data, plays for Hotmail login , yet it is furthermore sure that Microsoft has combined various new features in its mail advantage. Upgrades that impact various levels: more clever channels , orders, smart exercises ... Frankly, last February we could see, by virtue of an examination, that Hotmail channels spam even to some degree better than Gmail . We'll see how it keeps running with the accompanying structure.

Invigorate : as demonstrated by the data that comScore offered for last May, Hotmail is so far the most used email advantage by methods for the web. On the other hand, as a result of the data offered yesterday by Google on its Google I/O, the dynamic customers of Gmail (I imagine that here are both the people who get to by methods for the web and the people who use the organization on PDAs and tablets) signify 425 million .