One more day another eBay PS3 trick. See, we know the supply of PlayStation 3s are constrained and request is high before the enormous, 4-sunrise. Be that as it may, people if you don't mind a little admonition emptor... this is eBay for crissake. Goodness beyond any doubt, Schnezy's posting is questionable as damnation: titled, "Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 NO RESERVE, HOT" and even bolstered by a photo of the support itself. Also, seeing every one of the highlights and specs spat out on the page absolutely jumbles the one, essential piece of content at the extremely base: "note: you are not offering on a real ps3, you're just offering on an email address (, winning bidder will recieve secret word." But hello, you've gotta perused the content child. So make the most of your new Hotmail email address Mr. Notoriousgoat(se?) - it might be a $890 markup from free, yet it's as yet less expensive than an email address for tycoons over the long haul. Tip: empower spam