Now go to Outlook.com
BRUSSELS Hotmail, the free e-mail from the Microsoft software giant, used by hundreds of millions of people around the world, has finished its transformation on Friday and is now called Outlook.com.
"We are happy to announce that we have finished moving all Hotmail customers to Outlook.com," Microsoft CEO Dick Craddock said in a message on his blog Thursday night.
"In addition to the growing enthusiasm" of Internet users for Outlook, this migration "has made us pass the 400 million active accounts Outlook.com," he added.
The transition began in February, when Microsoft began testing users from Hotmail.com to Outlook.
"Hotmail was still one of the most used services, with more than 300 million active accounts," Craddock said.
"This makes (the migration to Outlook) a process of incredible magnitude, perhaps unprecedented.It was necessary to communicate with hundreds of millions of people, update their mailboxes, or more than 150 million gigabytes of data, and ensure that each person's messages, calendars, contacts, records, and preferences were preserved. "
Microsoft says that Outlook.com addresses will be better synchronized with other Microsoft services, such as the Bing search engine or Skydrive, its cloud-based data storage system.