It is safe to say that you can't associate or arrange Hotmail email account in Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2007? Or on the other hand messages are not downloading to Outlook? How about we see the issue and resolve Outlook Connector blunder matching up envelope chain of command (0x8004102A).In 2012 is renamed to is a free online web-mail, benefit gave by Microsoft, then again MS Outlook is work area based email benefit. There is a need of web association with open and view Hotmail email account yet there is no need of web association with open and view sends store on Outlook. Now and again clients required to arranged their Hotmail account on Outlook work area to see messages in Offline mode. So in this post we are going to talked about that how we can arranged their Outlook Mail account on MS Outlook with the assistance of Outlook Hotmail connector and the resolutions of mistake that come at the season of record setup.
Strategy 1: Configure Hotmail Email Account with MS Outlook Using Hotmail Connector
You can deal with their email account in MS Outlook 2010, MS Outlook 2007 and MS Outlook 2003 with the assistance of Outlook Hotmail connector programming yet you ought to recollect that the Hotmail connector programming ought to be 32 bit, if your utilizing MS Outlook 2010 (32-bit). To arrange a Hotmail account in MS Outlook you have to introduce Outlook Hotmail connector on your machine.
Note: Outlook Hotmail connector programming does not bolster MS Outlook 2013 and 2016.
Arrange Hotmail Email Account in MS Outlook 2010
This design procedure incorporates the accompanying advances:
1. Open MS Outlook on your machine. Go to File menu, tap on Info and after that tap on Add Account.
2. Tap on Manually arrange server settings or extra server writes, and after that tap on Next catch.
3. Tap on Other and the pick Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector. After that tap on Next catch.
4. Presently, Enter your name, email address, and secret key, and after that tap on OK catch.
5. At the point when the affirmation exchange box seems then tap on Finish catch.
Design Hotmail Email Account in Microsoft Outlook 2007 and 2003
This procedure incorporates the accompanying advances:
1. Open MS Outlook on your machine. Tap on Outlook Connector menu and afterward tap on Add a New Account.
2. Presently, Enter your name, email address, and secret word, and afterward tap on OK catch.
Blunder After Configuration Of email account in MS Outlook
After the design of Hotmail email account in MS Outlook, the messages don't download from email record to MS Outlook. This blunder is looked by numerous clients.
"Standpoint (Hotmail) Connector/Outlook 2010 Sync blunder (0x8004102A, 80041004)"

Technique 2: Resolution of Error for not Downloading Hotmail Emails in Outlook
The mistake amid downloading of sends after arrangement can be unraveled by the accompanying advances:
1. Close Microsoft Outlook.
2. Erase SRS document from area C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook
3. Presently, take reinforcement of PST document and erase it from the default. The area of PST document is C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook
4. After that arrange new record in Outlook by enter your name, email address and secret word. To do as such, again go to Control Panel >> Click on Mail >> Hit on Add catch >> Enter Profile name and hit OK.
5. Tap on Manually arrange server settings or extra server composes, and after that tap on Next catch.
6. Pick Internet E-mail (Connect to POP, IMAP, or HTTP server to send/get messages) and afterward tap on NEXT catch.
7. Another window will show up, enter the required subtle elements
Your Name: User Name
Email address:
Record Type: POP3/IMAP
Approaching mail server:
Or on the other hand
Active mail server (SMTP):
Or on the other hand
Client Name:
Watchword: Your present secret word of Hotmail account
Discretionary: Check the "Recollect secret word" alternative.
Here, you can see in screen capture.
8. After that tap on More Settings. Tap on Outgoing server and afterward check My active server(SMTP) require validation.
9. Tap on Advanced, enter 995 in Incoming server (POP3) and check this server requires an encoded connection(SSL). Enter 587 in Outgoing server (SMTP) and pick TLS as scrambled association and after that snap OK.
10. Discretionary: Leave a duplicate of messages on the server and snap OK.
11. Tap on Test Account Settings.
12. After effectively testing, tap on NEXT and after that tap on Finish catch to close wizard.
In the wake of following the Method 2, your Hotmail account messages will begin downloading in Microsoft Outlook without getting a blunder.
Note: No compelling reason to download Hotmail connector to take after the above advances.
Before designing your Hotmail email account in MS Outlook with the assistance of manual strategy, it is suggested that you should take a reinforcement of Hotmail email account so that if your information is lost amid account arrangement then you can recoup it from a reinforcement of Hotmail.